11 Months Baby Development

11 Months Baby Development

What Does Your 11 Month Baby Do?

  • Can pick up a small object using any thumb and other fingers.
  • Understands the word “no” but does not always fit it.
  • He can play a game of clapping or waving.
  • Can walk holding on to things.
  • He can stand without support for a moment or longer or even take a few steps.
  • Mother, father or even a few other words can say without knowing the meaning.
  • Now he can show his wishes without crying.
  • He can drink a cup of water by himself.
  • He can speak in a language that is incomprehensible to himself.
  • Even your baby can walk well.

When is Do Babies Start Talking? 

Your baby can start to use mother, father, and even other words in these months, and language development begins. So how can you contribute to your baby’s speech skills? This issue is at least as necessary as muscle development. For the conversation to be on time and on course, talking to your baby from the moment of birth and looking at their face will support them. Babies start to cry at 3-4 months of age, which is a step in this development. Speech skills in babies are not a skill that can be acquired overnight. First, the concepts must be established in the baby’s mind. For this reason, you must communicate with him correctly from the day he was born. 

When did Do Babies Start To Walk? 

Your baby is expected to be able to crawl comfortably this month. Can stand up by holding on, can take a few steps. In sporadic cases, some babies can walk at 11 months.  

11 Months Old Baby Nutrition

After your baby transitions to solid foods, you can start trying different foods every month. You can improve his taste by making new recipes.  

You can start to put him at the table during your meals, and you can make him feel the mealtime habit and family warmth. If your baby refuses to eat lumpy foods during this period, you can start preparing slightly more significant pieces of food for him. You can prepare the fruits in more solid and segmented purees. The fruit purees you will prepare at home are the healthiest for him. 

What Should 11 Months Baby Weight Be?

Weight varies according to the development of baby boys and girls. While the average weight of an 11-month-old boy is 9700 g, we can say 9100 g for a girl baby.     

How Many cm Should an 11-Month-Old Baby Be?

Height varies according to the development of baby boys and girls.

  • 11-month-old baby girl height lower limit: 65
  • 11-month-old baby girl maximum height: 80
  • 11-month-old baby boy height lower limit: 68
  • Maximum height of 11-month-old baby boy: 82

11 Months Old Baby Sleep

During this period, your baby has a physiological structure that can sleep until the morning when he goes to bed in the evening. But not every baby is the same. If your baby is waking up frequently, you should review the sleep training you give him.

What Can You Do for the Baby to Sleep?

For your baby to sleep comfortably, you should establish sleep routine for himThus, when your baby follows that routine, he knows that he needs to fall asleep and prepares himself in this way.  

Physical Development of 11-Month-Old Baby

  • During this period, your baby may try to wear his socks alone. Let him try and discover it. It will be enjoyable to watch.
  • When you ask something, he has reached the ability to show you by pointing with his hand. To support his development, you can ask and show him the objects around him, his father, his mother.

11 Months Old Baby Games

You can start playing games with your baby during this period. For example, you can play a game of dribbling by sitting opposite each other so that he gets used to the game process. Your baby has enough physical and mental development to throw the ball at you. So you can have a lot of fun.  

During this period, your baby will also show interest in colouring books. You can read to him at night to establish a sleep routine and develop his imagination. Before reading the books to your baby, we recommend reading them yourself and checking any offensive statements. The ideal toys for the 11th month are those that will support walking. For example, walking ducks, first-step cars, cars that can drive on the ground…

They will love to play not only with toys but also with you. During this period, you can play various games together to support their crawling and walking.

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