Baby Development at 3 Months

3-Month-Old Baby Development

What Can My 3-Month-Old Baby Do?

Your baby has grown even more now. By the end of the 3rd month, your baby:

  • Can raise his head between 45 and 90 degrees when on his stomach.
  • Can follow an object 15 cm away from its face from side to side.
  • May laugh out loud.
  • Can clasp both hands and begin to follow their hands.
  • May giggle and coo out of joy.
  • When held in a sitting position, he can hold his head upright.
  • When on his stomach, he can lift his chest from the ground with the help of his arms.
  • Can pay attention to small objects.
  • May start to reach and grasp objects.
  • Can control his head when you pull him by his arms to sit up.
  • May turn to the direction of voices (especially his mom’s).
  • Can make sound combinations like “Agu.”

At the end of the third month, your baby should be able to hold his head steady. If this is not the case, there may be an issue with their development, and you should discuss it with your doctor.


Gender Weight (kg)       Length (cm)
Boy 6.4 54
Girl 5.8 53

The average head circumference is 38.1 cm.

3-Month-Old Baby Nutrition

Breast milk or formula is the only nutrition your baby needs for the first six months. If you are feeding your baby formula or supplementing with it, it is important to consult your doctor. If breastfeeding, continue to feed your baby as often as possible, at least every 2–3 hours or if your baby is showing signs of hunger. Remember, your baby’s suckling is one of the most important factors in increasing your milk supply. However, suppose you are breastfeeding and preparing to return to work. In that case, you should research how to express and store breast milk and buy products that will help you, like a breast pump, etc.

During this period, you may be spending all your energy caring for your baby, but please, also take care of your own health. You may want to get some help around the house occasionally. Also, drink plenty of water and eat healthy, nutritious foods. Do not rush to lose your birth weight. It is very important not to diet for the first six months. When breastfeeding, you burn around 600-700 calories a day. It is one of the best ways to lose weight after pregnancy, although it may take some time.

Many moms worry about their milk supply and wonder how often and how much their baby should drink. The stomach capacity of a three-month-old baby is 150-180 ml. Babies are very different but, on average, will nurse about eight to twelve times a day.

What to Do in Case of Fever?

Many things can cause a fever in your baby. When this happens, you first need to observe your baby well. When a baby under three months of age develops a fever, you should always consult a doctor as soon as possible, as there is a high risk of febrile convulsions. Never give your baby any medicines without consulting with your doctor first. Suppose your baby continues to feel uncomfortable, even if the fever has decreased. In that case, we recommend that you also consult with your doctor. After three months, depending on the duration and height of the fever, you may wait a little longer before taking your baby to the doctor.

Baby Care

Your baby is more social now and will enjoy spending time with you. A good way to spend time together is to give your little one a baby massage using baby oil. This will both relax him and nourish his skin. You can also bathe your baby once a day or plan it every other day. Establishing a regular care routine will help you.

Play and Toys

Baby Development at 3 MonthsRemember to communicate with your baby frequently. Be sure to make eye contact when speaking to him. The foundation of your baby’s future language, emotional and mental development is laid during the first months. The more you talk to him, the more you contribute to his development. You can also make animal sounds, clap your hands or sing songs and nursery rhymes. You can look up the lyrics online if you have forgotten them, but you may be surprised at how much you still remember from your childhood.

Mobiles, especially those with music and lights, will attract your 3-month-old baby’s attention. You can attract more attention by choosing the ones with music and lights. Wrist rattles and foot finders are also great for entertaining your baby as the sounds stimulate him to move. Please look at the different kinds of mobiles and baby rattles on our website.

Baby Health and Development Review

There is usually no check-up in the third month. If you do have an appointment with your doctor this month, here’s what you can do:

  • You can discuss your baby’s development, nutrition and sleep pattern.
  • The doctor will measure your baby’s weight, height, and head circumference and note it down on his development chart.
  • If a problem was detected before, your doctor will check this.

Shopping Advice – What to Buy?

A play mat is ideal as it will help improve his gross motor skills and entertain him. Look at the ebebek (online) store to read other parents’ comments and buy a play mat at an affordable price. You can also find a wrist rattle and foot finder in our store.

If you are planning to start pumping and bottle feeding your baby, you may look for a pump and suitable bottle at this time. Take a look at our website.

It’s Your Turn Now – Write a Comment!

How do you raise your 3-month-old baby? What challenges did you experience this month? How did you overcome them? We welcome your comments, as they will help other moms.

Don’t Forget to Share!

Don’t forget to share our article on the development of 3-month-old babies so that other moms and expectant mothers can read and learn!

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