5 Month Baby Development

5 Months Baby Development

What Does a 5 Month Old Baby Do?

  • When sitting upright, he can keep his head straight.
  • While lying on his stomach, he can lift his chest from the ground by getting support from his arms.
  • It can roll from side to side.
  • It can pay attention to objects as small as a grape.
  • She can scream with joy.
  • It can reach an object.
  • He can pick up a rattle with the tips of his fingers.
  • It can put some weight on your legs.
  • He can keep his head level with his body when seated by pulling his hands away.
  • It can turn towards the human voice.
  • Your baby may also be able to sit up unaided. 
  • It can extract age and similar audible and silent combinations.

5 Months Baby Nutrition

Remember that at five months, your baby should still be exclusively breastfed. Experts say the ideal time to switch to solid food is in the 6th month. 

However, if your baby’s development is not progressing in ideal conditions according to the month, doctors who follow your baby’s growth may start other food early.

Consult your doctor before starting complementary foods. Remember, your baby’s main meal until the age is breast milk.

How much does a 5-month-old baby suck?

“How many cc of milk does a 5-month-old baby drink?” We know you’re wondering the question. The stomach capacity of a 5-month-old baby is 180-210 ml. It should be breastfed 4-6 times a day. 

If your baby cannot take breast milk for various reasons if you are supplementing with formula, “How many cc of formula does a 5-month-old baby drink?” The person who will answer the question is your doctor, who monitors your baby’s development.  

How Much Should a 5 Month Old Baby Weight?

A 5-month-old baby boy weighs an average of 7500 grams, and a 5-month-old girl weighs an average of 6900 grams.

How Many cm Should a 5-Month-Old Baby Be?

  • five-month-old baby girl height limit: 57
  • five-month-old baby girl height upper limit: 70
  • five months old baby boy height limit: 58
  • 5-month-old baby boy maximum height: 70

What to do for 5-month-old baby development?

The 5- month-old baby is now well socialized and fully aware of his surroundings.

 When can babies sit up? 

For parents who say five months is the right time for your baby to do sitting exercises. For healthy development, your baby should be doing sitting exercises this month. While doing these experiments, do not forget that there should be support pillows for your baby. 

The Gross motor features of babies, that is, reaching for something, sitting, turning, moving their body, are the features that should be followed closely for the first six months of development. To develop these, you need to let your baby spend some time lying on the navel. You can get support from game carpets for this. You should place your baby safely on his navel. In this way, you will allow the baby to move against gravity. He will learn to use his entire muscle structure. 

Your baby may be able to straighten up to sit up on his own this month. Do not forget to put support pillows next to him when he takes a sitting position, as his musculature is still not fully developed.

More powerful than ever:

Your baby’s sense of hearing is starting to get more robust than ever before at five months of age. In this way, your baby will distinguish your sounds better and react more efficiently to sound toys and the sounds around him.

5 Month Old Baby Toys

This month, your baby will be interested in toys that he can reach for, as he will discover his voice and his ability to grasp objects is quite developed. In particular, play rugs can be a source of entertainment for 5-month-old babies. Apart from that, if we think that your baby’s teeth are starting to itch, you can get help from teether toys.  

Apart from toys, you must play with your baby and support his language development. During this period, when he starts to make a sound, you can contribute to his development by responding to him and communicating eye to eye.

In addition, a 5-month-old baby has reached the month where he can react to his reflection. You can make him see himself by holding a mirror so that you can have a fun time.

Is 5 Month Old Baby Teething?

It is possible to notice that your baby’s teeth are itchy during these months. This process may have started in the 4th month. You can look for these signs to be sure if your baby is teething:

  • Low Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Grumpy for No Reason
  • Mouth Watering Lasting Near 1 Month

5 Months Old Baby Sleep 

You no longer need to wake your baby at night. They sleep for about 10 hours a night, and we can say that 7 hours of it is uninterrupted. You need to plan your baby’s breakfast time regularly, as nighttime wake-ups for feeding are over. Thus, your baby will wake up when hungry and have a deep and comfortable sleep.

If your 5-month-old baby has not started to sleep regularly, we recommend that you seek help from your doctor or sleep consultant.

Doctor Check of 5 Months Baby

Many doctors haven’t recommended routine checkups this month, but call your doctor if you have a problem that can’t wait until next month.


As your baby grows, the risk of accidents at home increases. Be careful not to leave your baby alone to protect him from dangers, as he gradually begins to lift his own body and grasp objects.

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