7 Months Baby Development

7 Months Baby Development

What Does a 7 Month Old Baby Do?

  • Can sit unaided.
  • He can eat crackers by himself.
  • He can put weight on his legs when held upright.
  • He may object when you receive his toy.
  • He may struggle to get a toy that is out of his reach.
  • Can pass an object from one hand to the other.
  • It can search for a falling object.
  • It can turn towards the human voice.
  • Can stand holding on to someone or something.
  • He can pull himself up from a sitting position to a standing position.
  • Able to sit in the prone position.
  • He may try to walk towards things.
  • He can say mom and dad without knowing the meaning.

7 Months Old Baby Nutrition – Transition to Supplementary Food

If you say how seven months old baby nutrition should be; We recommend giving soft, lump-free, semi-liquid purees.   

  • Rice pudding: mixed with boiled water, breast milk, or formula.
  • Carrot puree: peeled and boiled carrots are mashed.
  • Fruit puree: Made by mashing apples or soft ripe pears.
  • Mashed Potatoes: Boiled potatoes are slightly diluted and mashed well.
  • Other suitable foods to offer: zucchini, cauliflower, peas and well-cooked green beans.

If you are looking for a helpful recipe that you can make for your baby, you can review our Sugar-Free Baby Custard recipe.  

With the transition to supplementary food, the period of drinking water for your baby has started. The pH values ​​and sodium ratios of water are essential for babies. Since their kidneys are still in the development stage, you should prefer those with low sodium content as much as possible. 

How Much Should a 7 Month Old Baby Have?

A 7-month-old girl weighs an average of 8000 g, and a 7-month-old boy weighs 8200 g. 

How Many cm Should a 7-Month-Old Baby Be?

  • 7-month-old baby girl height limit: 61
  • 7-month-old baby girl height upper limit: 73
  • seven months old baby boy height limit: 62
  • 7-month-old baby boy height upper limit: 75

7 Months Old Baby Teething

Although your baby starts at four months at the earliest, teething symptoms begin to show in 7-month-old babies. If your baby is constantly bringing his hand to his mouth, if he wants to bite his toys, drooling profusely from his mouth is an indication that his teeth are about to come out.

7 Months Old Baby Games

At seven months, your baby will want to play with lots of teethers. During this period, you can buy him teethers made of restorative materials.

What the baby can do at the age of 7 months is not limited to these; Softballs are also among the toys your baby can play comfortably with during this period.

You will find that your baby starts playing with his hands and feet frequently so that you can play with them. It is essential for their social development that he plays games with the toy and by contacting you.

“Sorry, mommy, I’m starting to try your patience.”

During this period, your baby may tend to take action on the issues you warned him about. For example, you throw a toy on the ground and put toys in his mouth. You should not forget one thing in this process: your baby is growing, and he is very curious. He always enjoys seeing you and your reactions, as well as the reactions of objects. You can warn him without thinking he doesn’t understand, make sure they know very well what you mean. 

You can watch our 7 Month Baby Development video below.

When Do Babies Start Sitting Upright?

7-month-old babies can start to sit up right now. By supporting them in this regard, you can set up games that encourage them to sit longer.

When Do Babies Begin Alienation?

In the 7th month, your baby starts to alienate the people around him and may want to be with you all the time. The fact that he wants to be with you all the time shows that he has started to explore the environment and gradually gets to know people. Therefore, do not be afraid of alienation. You can spend this process more comfortably by being with him as much as possible.

7 Months Baby Doctor Checkup

Most doctors do not examine a healthy baby this month if the child is not vaccinated. Contact your doctor if you can’t wait until the next month and have any concerns or illnesses. 

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