8 Months Baby Development

8 Months Baby Development

What Does an 8-Month-Old Baby Do?

  • Putting some weight when held upright
  • Passing a cube or other object from one hand to the other
  • Seeking and finding a toy 
  • Turning towards a sound 
  • Holding on to a place or a person
  • Resisting not giving the toy
  • Trying to reach a toy
  • Playing peek-a-boo
  • Sitting up while lying on
  • Holding small objects between fingers using thumb and forefinger
  • Saying say mother and father 
  • Saying good-bye

8-Month Baby Nutrition – Transition to Finger Foods

By the age of seven months, most babies are both willing and able to eat finger foods (they now develop the ability to grasp objects with their fingers). This transition happens abruptly rather than slowly. Once babies discover that they can take food into their mouths independently, the number of foods they can deftly pop into their mouths rapidly increases. At first, many babies gnaw pieces of bread into their fists. Bread is the food he can hold most comfortably, as he cannot fully use his fingers. 

Learning to handle finger foods is often the first step towards freedom at the dinner table. Among the foods that deserve to be the first finger food are foods that can be circulated between the baby’s gums and made to be swallowed or dispersed in the mouth without the need for chewing. These foods should mostly be cut into chewable pieces. Good choices include whole-wheat bread or toast, small cheese sticks, soft banana, pear, peach, and apricot chunks, soft-cooked carrots, potatoes, broccoli, soft meatballs, lop-cooked yolks and whole eggs when ready to eat. To give finger foods, scatter four or five pieces on an unbreakable plate or the baby’s feeding table and replace them as the baby eats. 

How Much Should an 8-Month-Old Baby Weight?

An 8-month-old boy weighs an average of 8500 g, and an 8-month-old girl weighs 8200 g.

How Many cm Should an 8-Month-Old Baby Be?

  • 8-month-old baby girl height lower limit: 62
  • 8-month-old baby girl height upper limit: 75
  • 8-month-old baby boy height lower limit: 63
  • 8-month-old baby boy maximum height: 77

8 Months Old Baby Sleep

During this period, he can sleep longer at night, as he will have completed the transition to different food entirely. You do not need to wake your baby to breastfeed at night after switching to solid food.

However, as your baby enters a more active period, he may start to wake up earlier. One of the things you should pay attention to during this period is safety in bed. Because an 8-month-old baby may show tendencies to hold on and get up, therefore, his bed can be dangerous for him, especially at night. 

Does 8 Month Old Baby Crawls?

First of all, let’s not forget that crawling is an entirely baby-specific behaviour. Just because an 8-month-old baby hasn’t started to crawl yet doesn’t mean it’s slow to develop. Sometimes, your baby may have difficulty crawling due to his weight, or he may not crawl just because he doesn’t want to. 

8 Month Old Baby Games

Now that your baby sits on his own, you will see that he starts playing when you put the toys in front of him. He can hold, play, and change toys by himself. Therefore, you can buy him soft toys and support his development.

Your baby starts crawling preparations during these months, so you can play games to encourage him.

8 Months Baby Doctor Checkup

Most doctors do not do routine well-child checkups this month, but if you have a problem or your baby has a problem, you should contact your doctor immediately.  

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