Breastfeeding Twins

Breastfeeding Twins

If you have such questions in your mind like “How should breastfeeding be in twin babies?”, “Which breastfeeding positions should be used?”, “How should I plan the breastfeeding order?”, “How should the mother’s nutrition be in this process?”, you look for the answers in the right place!

Breast milk is a miraculous food that perfectly meets all the needs of a baby during the first 6 months. Every mother’s milk is special and every mother produces milk suitable for her baby. In addition, the content of breast milk varies according to the baby’s development process, energy needs and even weight or number. 

Is Only Breast Milk Sufficient for Twin Babies? 

According to studies, it has been determined that mothers of twin babies produce close to 2-2.5 litres of milk per day for the first 6 months. If you are a mother of twins, your body realizes this and produces enough milk for both babies! 

However, in some twin babies, the development of the babies can be followed, and baby formula can be started as a supplement to breast milk if necessary. The best way to assess whether you have enough milk for your babies is to examine your baby’s weight gain. At this point, we underline that your baby’s development should be evaluated by your doctor and the decision on baby formula should be made by your doctor. 

Breastfeeding Twin

Breastfeeding in twin babies differs in two ways compared to breastfeeding of a single baby. These are breastfeeding patterns and breastfeeding positions. 

Breastfeeding Patterns for Twin Babies 

The breastfeeding pattern is different from normal in twin babies as there are two babies who need breast milk at the same time. There are two techniques, alternately breastfeeding and simultaneous breastfeeding. 

We will compare the simultaneous breastfeeding and alternate breastfeeding methods for you and talk about the advantages and disadvantages. You can examine both methods and choose the one that suits you best and you feel most comfortable with. 

Sequential Breastfeeding in Twins 

It is a very common method of breastfeeding twin babies. In this method, you breastfeed your babies alternately. 


  • Because you breastfeed only one baby at a time, it is more comfortable than breastfeeding at the same time. 
  • You will show individual attention to your babies and spend one-on-one time. 


  • Especially if we consider the time thatnew-bornsspend at the breast, it is more tiring and takes more time as the number of breastfeeding will increase. 
  • One baby may get impatient and cry while the other baby is also hungry. 

Simultaneous Breastfeeding in Twins 

It is a method of breastfeeding twin babies at the same time and in the same position. 


  • It saves time as you breastfeed both babies at the same time. 
  • One baby does not have to wait while the other suckles. 
  • Since both breasts will be stimulated equally, the milk secretion mechanism works more balanced. 
  • You support more skin contact, more stimulation of the oxytocin reflex and more milk secretion by breastfeeding at the same time. 


  • It is physically tiring since two babies will be held at the same time. 

Tips to Breastfeed Your Twin Babies

There are some important points that you should pay attention to while breastfeeding twin babies.  The content of the first milk from the breast and the hind milk is not the same. The milk that comes first has higher lactose and water content, while the last milk has a higher fat content. It is important for the development of the baby to receive two kinds of milks. For this reason, you should breastfeed at the same time or alternately, you should give the right and left breast to a different baby at each feeding. 

For example, if one baby sucked on your right breast at one feed, you should give your right breast to your other baby at the next feed. In this way, both babies receive these two milks with different nutritional content. 

At the same time, when you apply this transformation. 

  • Both of your breasts are stimulated by both babies to produce an equal amount of milk. 
  • If a baby has a weaker sucking reflex, you can always suck on the same breast and prevent the stimulation in that breast from diminishing. 
  • You establish a balanced system for both your babies’ milk intake and the milk production in your breasts. 

Another point you should pay attention to is to follow your babies’ hunger signs. Especially if you are breastfeeding in turns, your baby may get impatient and cry while you feed one baby. 

In the early signs of hunger, the baby’s movements increase, he starts to look for your breast. In progressive symptoms, he stretches and yawns. As her hunger level increases, she starts to suck her hands. In late symptoms, the baby goes into a crying crisis and the stress level reaches a high level. 

The baby who reaches this point does not hold the breast even if the breast is given. It should be sedated before breastfeeding. A baby should be fed at the latest at the progressive signs of hunger, which is stage 2. 

Breastfeeding Positions for Twin Babies 

There are some special positions applied for simultaneous breastfeeding of twin babies. The most used ones are “Double Football Pose”, “Fooftball & Cradle Pose”, “Upright Latch” and “Ladi-back Nursing Position” 

Double Football Position

In this position, after placing both your babies on your nursing pillow, you position them under your arms and support their heads with your palms.

Breastfeeding Twins

Football & Cradle Position

In this position, after placing your babies on the nursing pillow, you lay them parallel to each other on your chest as in the picture.

Breastfeeding Twins

Upright Latch

This position can be used to breastfeed twins who are slightly older by month. Babies are positioned on the nursing pillow, facing the mother’s breasts. 

Breastfeeding Twins

Front Cross Position

In this position, hug the twins and lean back. Lay them on the pillow so that they are diagonally from each other as you can see in the picture.

Use of Breastfeeding Pillows for Twin Babies 

Oxytocin, the hormone responsible for milk secretion, is greatly affected by the mother’s mood and stress level. If you are stressed and nervous, your baby will feel it and become restless. Therefore, it is very important that you take a comfortable position and be relaxed during breastfeeding. 

This is where breastfeeding pillows come to your aid! The nursing pillow ensures that both you and your babies take a comfortable position during breastfeeding. It helps you to adjust the distance between you and your babies while breastfeeding, while supporting your waist and preventing the problem of low back and back pain. 

In addition, with the breastfeeding pillow, your babies can settle on the breast more easily and grasp the breast better. In this way, you will have an effective breastfeeding. The use of breastfeeding pillows is especially important for mothers of twin babies. Because holding both babies at the same time can be tiring most of the time. 

With the breastfeeding pillow, you can use your hands and arms more comfortably as you place your babies better while breastfeeding your twins. Thus, by getting more contact with your babies, you will stimulate your oxytocin reflex and support your milk flow. 

How Should the Your Nutrition Be During Breastfeeding Twin Babies? 

Proper nutrition during breastfeeding is very important. The energy required for the breastfeeding process is met from the foods consumed by the mother and from her own stores. For the mental and physical development of the baby and not to waste the mother’s stores, quality and adequate nutrition should be given during the breastfeeding period. 

Breastfeeding mothers spend 600-700 calories during the day due to milk production; however, when it comes to twin babies, this number reaches 1200-1400 kilocalories. 

It is very important that you fill this energy deficit from sources with high nutritional value. You should consume enough and balanced from each food group. Since you have a high energy deficit, you can increase your portion amounts in a healthy and natural way. 

Sample Nutrition Program for Twin Breastfeeding Mothers 

Breakfast (9.00 am) 

  • 1 boiled egg 
  • Matchbox size cheese (you can add black cumin on it) 
  • 7-8 small-to-medium-sized olives
  • 2 tea spoons of tahini/molasses 
  • 2 walnuts
  • 3 thin slices of whole wheat/rye/bran bread 

Snack (10.30 am) 

  • Fennel tea (1 cup) 
  • 1 fruit + 10 almonds 

Noon (12.00 pm) 

  • 8 table spoons of dark green leafy vegetables 
  • 6 table spoons of yogurt (3 table spoons of boiled quinoa) 
  • 2 thin slices of whole wheat/rye/bran bread 

Snack (14.30 pm) 

  • 2 matchbox size tahini halva + 10 almonds 
  • Tea that increases breast milk 

Snack (17.30 pm) 

  • 5-6 grissini
  • Ayran or yoghurt

Evening (19.30 pm) 

  • 1 small bowl of soup 
  • Meat/chicken/fish (60 grams of chicken / 3 meatballs / 250 grams of fish) 
  • Salad with lots of greens (You can add fruit to it) 
  • 2 thin slices of whole wheat/rye/bran bread or 6 table spoons of rice


  • 1 glass of lactose-free milk (cinnamon) 
  • 1 fruit 

Note: This list has been prepared in general. Diet shoul be personal, serving size shoul be reduced or increased according to personal differences. You should consult a nutritionist to create your own plan. 

Would you like to share your experiences and questions as a comment?

Have a nice and healthy day!

Seray Tekin 

ebebek’s Nutrition and Diet Specialist / Breastfeeding Consultant 


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