Breast Milk: How to Wean and Stop Breastfeeding

Methods for Drying Up Breast Milk 

Today we will talk about a very curious subject. With the ending of breastfeeding, mothers wonder about “How to stop milk production after breastfeeding ends?”, “When will my milk stop?”, “What should I do when my milk comes in?” and so on. To learn how to dry up your breast milk, we recommend reading our article! 

Ending of Breastfeeding 

Until today, you have established a strong emotional bond with breastfeeding beyond feeding your baby. Now that your baby is grown, he’s introduced to many foods and maybe even manages to eat on his own. 

When your baby is two years old, sits at the table with you and starts feeding with the food you consume, but most importantly, if you and your baby feel ready for this, you can start stopping breastfeeding steps. 

How Should I End Breastfeeding?  

The process of reducing and ending breastfeeding can often be quite difficult for both mother and baby. Breastfeeding has a huge place in your baby’s life and is emotionally bonded to it. Breaking this bond suddenly will make both you and him feel bad. Therefore, our method should realize this separation gradually and ensure that it adapts to each step. This will make this process quite easy for both your baby and you.

What are the methods to stop breastfeeding? 

You can use many different methods in the process of stopping breastfeeding. The most helpful method is that which both you and your baby feel most comfortable. 

When Do I Wean My Milk After I Stop Breastfeeding? 

When to wean your milk depends on many factors. It depends on how often and how much your baby breastfeeds or how much you express breast milk. In short, it depends on your breastfeeding routine. 

This period will vary from person to person, and it would not be correct to mention a specific time. If you stop breastfeeding suddenly, your milk will continue to come in its normal flow for a certain period, and this can cause blockage of the channels and mastitis. 

If you reduce breastfeeding gradually, your milk will gradually decrease. 

In this process, your pumping habits are also very important. If you are still expressing your milk frequently and emptying your breast completely, as in your baby’s first months, your breast will be constantly stimulated to produce new milk. During the ending breastfeeding period, you should only express your breast enough to relax you. 


Methods for Drying Up Breast Milk 

There are many methods you can use to suppress and stop your milk production. You can suppress your milk production with small ways you will make and some foods you will consume.

  • Cold Compress  

Considering that the hot compress has the effect of activating the milk ducts and supporting the milk secretion, it is known that the cold compress reduces the milk production activity. With a cold compress, your milk ducts narrow, and your milk flow slows down. 

During the day, you can put ice on your breast wrapped in a towel. You can also apply a cold compress by taking a slightly cold shower. 

  • Lemon 

Massaging the breast with circular movements with a half-cut lemon is one of the alternative methods applied to wean milk. You can also apply this method together with a cold compress. 

  • Lightly Pressing When Milk Leaks 

Your mammary glands and the prolactin hormone mechanism that produces milk will not be immediately suppressed in this process. You may experience breast milk leaks at unexpected moments from time to time. At such moments, gently pressing your nipple in your hand without stimulating your nipple will allow the milk to recede. 

You can use a breast pad to prevent leaks. It would help if you changed the pads frequently so that wet pads do not infect your nipples. 

  • Prefer Lightly Tight Underwear 

As we recommend loose underwear during breastfeeding, you can choose underwear that is not loose and does not bother you much to suppress milk production. By wearing a bra at night, you can suppress the hormone prolactin, which is more active at night. 

  • Wrapping Cold Cabbage Leaf on the Breast 

Leave the inner leaves of white cabbage in the refrigerator until it cools, and then wrap it around your breast. As soon as you feel the leaves are warming up, you can replace them with new cold leaves. This method will be good for pain formation as a result of milk accumulation in your breast. 

  • Prepare Yourself Psychologically 

It is very important to think positively in activating the oxytocin reflex that provides milk flow during breastfeeding. It is extremely important to prepare yourself for this situation during the milk drying period and to believe that the process will go smoothly. 

Milk-Reducing Foods You Can Consume During Milk Drying Period 

  • Sage Tea 

Sage plays a role in reducing milk secretion by directly affecting milk production mechanisms. 

Breast Milk: 6 Methods to Stop Breastfeeding

  • Parsley 

Parsley is responsible for removing water from the body, and breast milk production slows down in the absence of water. You can increase your parsley consumption to reduce your milk production. 

  • Mint 

Mint and mint tea are also among the foods that reduce breast milk. 

  • Chasteberry 

Chasteberry reduces breast milk by inhibiting the activity of prolactin. You can consume it in the form of tea. 

  • Foods that have Vitamin B6 

Vitamin B6 lowers the level of prolactin in the body. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, broad beans, kidney beans, turnips and peas are among the foods rich in vitamin B6. 

Would you like to share your experiences and questions as a comment?

Have a nice and healthy day!

Seray Tekin 

ebebek’s Nutrition and Diet Specialist / Lactation Consultant 

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