Early Pregnancy Symptoms: How and When to Notice Early Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique and special period in a woman’s life. So, is it possible to understand that you are pregnant early? What are the early pregnancy symptoms and which symptoms are most common? Let’s find out together!

How and When to Notice Early Pregnancy

  • Menstrual Delay

The first sign of early pregnancy is late periods. Even though it’s not the most trustworthy indication, it’s an essential clue for women with consistent periods. Weight changes, stress, and hormone imbalances are some of the causes of late periods other than early pregnancy. You can take a pregnancy test if your periods are late and you’re suspicious that you might be pregnant to make sure.Symptoms

  • Sensitive and Larger Breasts

Breasts can enlarge and get more sensitive due to hormone imbalances in the early stages of pregnancy. These changes are similar to the sensitivity that occurs before the period, in a more intense manner. Also, nipples might darken and veins might become more visible.

  • Fatigue and Weakness

Hormonal imbalances and rising progesterone levels can cause fatigue and weakness in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. Therefore, this symptom is very common in early pregnancy. Pregnant women should rest well and maintain a well-balanced diet to keep their energy as high as possible.

  • Nausea and Vomiting

Also known as morning nausea, this symptom can be seen at any point between the 6th and 12th weeks of the pregnancy. Whilst some women only suffer from light nausea, some might experience severe bouts of vomiting.

  • Frequent Urination

In the early stages of pregnancy, the growing uterus starts to push the bladder, resulting in more frequent urination. Also, since there is a lot more blood flow to the kidneys during pregnancy, it’s natural to urinate more often.

  • Headache and Dizziness

During pregnancy, headaches and dizziness can be caused by hormonal changes and blood pressure drops. These signs and symptoms are frequent in the beginning of pregnancy, and they often disappear as the pregnancy continues on. Drinking enough water and taking precautions to prevent low blood pressure can help relieve these symptoms.

  • Constipation and Gas Problems

Increased progesterone levels during pregnancy may cause constipation and gas symptoms by slowing down the movement of the bowels. These signs and symptoms may appear early on in pregnancy and may last for the full nine months. Constipation and gas problems can be eased by consuming fibre-rich meals, drinking lots of water, and exercising frequently.

  • Mood Swings

Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy can cause mood swings. Pregnant women can go through sudden mood changes, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. If you suddenly switch between melancholy, rage, and delight, you may take into account that this is likely connected to pregnancy. 

  • Food Craving and Aversion

Women may feel food cravings or aversions to particular foods during pregnancy. This appears during the early stages of pregnancy due to hormonal changes and may diminish or remain as the pregnancy progresses. Women who have food cravings and aversions should eat a well-balanced diet and make proper food selections.

  • High Body Temperature

Body temperature may rise during pregnancy due to the increase in progesterone levels. So, if you have a higher body temperature than usual, it would be wise to take a pregnancy test. Although, high body temperature might be a symptom of an infection, fever, or other conditions as well. You can check out your body temperature with these ear thermometers Click Here for Ear Thermometers. In the case of constant high body temperature, see a doctor.

In short, early pregnancy symptoms differ in each woman, and not every woman experiences them. If you are experiencing some of these symptoms and suspect you are pregnant, contact a health professional and get a pregnancy test. Remember that early pregnancy diagnosis is critical for both your and your baby’s health.

The purpose of this article is to promote awareness of early pregnancy symptoms. You can consult a doctor if you want to learn more in detail. Being aware of pregnancy symptoms and taking necessary measures will help experience a healthy pregnancy for both mother and baby.

You can share your questions or experiences with us in the comments! 

Stay safe!

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