Fear of Childbirth

Fear of Childbirth

Many women are very excited about having a baby. Each month after she stops being protected, the baby eagerly awaits the news. The pregnancy period after that news is a very different and beautiful period for women, although it has some symptoms. However, as time passes and the time of birth approaches, some women are in a panic. 

It is quite normal for expectant mothers to experience fear of childbirth, especially natural birth. Just because of these fears, the number of women who want to have a caesarean section when there is no problem preventing natural birth is too high to be underestimated. However, it should not be forgotten that if there is no special situation that threatens the health of you and your baby, vaginal birth is the most natural form of birth, just like other mammals in nature. 

Fear of Childbirth Can Make It Even More Difficult 

Stress is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. Stress is at the root of many diseases and disorders. Overthinking the issue of childbirth and making it a problem may cause the expectant mother’s body to be stressed, resulting in deterioration of blood circulation, decrease in the amount of oxygen in the body and contraction of the arteries in the vagina. 

For this reason, many of the women who are afraid of natural birth suffer longer periods of labour or must be directed to caesarean section. The stress experienced by the mothers can also prevent the onset of labour by preventing the secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which helps birth. In addition, it should not be ignored that stress affects not only the birth but also the baby in the womb. 

Carrying the Fear of Birth to a Further Dimension 

Sometimes the fear of childbirth becomes such that the person may not even accept the idea of becoming pregnant. This can often be caused by the scary birth stories heard or the painful birth videos watched. Sometimes, the source of this situation can be traced back to childhood. 

Witnessing the painful birth of one’s mother or a family member or the presence of disabled births in their immediate surroundings or family lead people away from the idea of pregnancy for fear of experiencing the same experience. In some, this situation results in never wanting to have children, or even abortion in case of pregnancy; in others, it results in different alternative birth options such as caesarean section.  


  • Those with a history of miscarriage or disabled birth, 
  • Those who are afraid of death as a result of bad experiences such as an accident in the past, 
  • Those who have negative thoughts about birth as a result of hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, 
  • There are other reasons that cause tokophobia, such as the fear of childbirth caused by a bad relationship with his spouse or partner. 

Instead of finding the solution in avoiding pregnancy or caesarean delivery, people with tokophobia ask, “How to overcome the fear of childbirth?” They must seek an answer to the question. It is possible for women who have an advanced fear of childbirth to get rid of this situation thanks to therapies. 

Those who are afraid of normal birth to any degree; They should stay away from people who tell them bad memories and give them negative energy, and focus only on their babies and their families, whom they will meet after birth. Women who receive support from their spouses can get through this process more easily. 

What Should Be the Ways to Overcome the Fear of Childbirth? 

The expectant mother may experience fear of natural birth for several reasons. First, the mother’s spouse or those around her should understand this fear. If the expectant mother is constantly emphasized that she has unnecessary attachments, the situation may turn out to be worse than expected. 

For this reason, the spouse and close environment must first empathize with the expectant mother. Response to a spouse who says “I am very afraid of childbirth”; It should be about the pains that will only last a very short time and that a very valuable being will come into your life as a result of those pains, rather than overestimating them in your head. So, what should the expectant mother do to overcome this fear? 

Never Blame Yourself

Never blame yourself for having a fear of childbirth. Of course, birth is a somewhat painful process. But you need to realize that you are strong enough to handle it. 

Face Your Fear

The best way to overcome your fear is to face your fear. Of course, people are afraid of exaggerated things that they do not know or hear from their surroundings. Get support by sharing this fear with your doctor and get detailed information about birth from the right sources. 

Learn the Advantages of Natural Birth

You fear natural childbirth, but still want it to be so. So why? It shouldn’t be because your close friend or mother gave birth this way and they told you that other forms of birth have more downsides. You may feel pressured this way. By researching birth types, you can see the advantages of normal birth, so you can take a step towards the final with more confidence. 

Don’t Just Focus on Natural Birth

Despite your fears, you planned a normal birth until the last moment. However, something went wrong, and you need to have a caesarean section. Such situations are quite common. Normal birth can become risky for the health of mother and baby, even if it is planned so at first. Therefore, do not ignore this possibility as you prepare yourself for childbirth. Learn not only about normal birth, but also about other forms of birth. 

Relax Yourself with Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises and meditation are a great way to get away from stress and have a healthier body. In this way, you will get rid of all negative thoughts and become a more positive person. In this case, your baby will also be happier and more peaceful in your womb. 

Prepare Your Hospital Bag

If there is a little time left before the birth, be sure to have your maternity bag ready by your side. So, you can feel more secure. Fear of Childbirth

Choose the Nearest Hospital

You can choose the hospital where you will give birth close to your home. If you are planning a normal birth and have fears such as giving birth on the way or not being able to reach the hospital, you can choose the nearest hospital to your home for delivery. This will lessen your fears a bit. 

Talk to Someone

Share what you feel with your loved ones who will give you positive energy when you feel nervous and anxious. This could be your spouse, friend, mother or sister. Sharing your feelings with someone and feeling that they understand you will make you comfortable and happy. 

Focus on After Birth, Not on Birth

Your focus throughout your pregnancy should be your life after birth, not the birth itself. You can read books about how to raise your baby and dream of the time you will spend with him. 

Get Birth Preparation Training

One of the methods you will use to overcome your fears is childbirth preparation training. In this training, you can chat with expectant mothers just like you and share your fears with them. It will give you strength to know that you are not the only one who is afraid of normal delivery. The exercises you will do here will also help your body relax and become stronger. 

We hope you will benefit from the suggestions we have prepared for you.

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