Most Asked 10 Questions about Ovulation Period

The female reproductive system progresses in a specific cycle. Changes occurring in the reproductive system each month prepare the body for pregnancy.

Couples planning to have a baby often hear many things about the ovulation period during this process. The importance of this period is significant for both maintaining women’s health and achieving pregnancy. This is because the time slot when fertilisation can occur is quite short, and in cases where this slot is missed, one may need to wait for the next month.

So, what are the most frequently asked questions about the ovulation period that closely concern couples who want to have a baby? Let’s examine them together.


What Does Ovulation and Ovulation Period Mean?

Ovulation refers to the expulsion of at least one mature egg cell from the ovaries, one of the organs of the female reproductive system, each month. The time interval when this event occurs is called the ovulation period.

The ovaries, located on both sides of the pelvic region, are flat spherical structures about the size of a walnut. When the hypothalamus in the brain stimulates the pituitary gland, two hormones called LH (Luteinising hormone) and FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) are secreted. These hormones stimulate an ovary each month to promote the maturation of an egg cell and its release from the fallopian tubes.

If the mature cell encounters a sperm cell in the fallopian tubes and fertilisation occurs, pregnancy occurs when the fertilised egg attaches to the uterine wall. However, the lifespan of the mature cell after it is expelled from the ovaries is only about 24 hours. Therefore, the interval of time when ovulation occurs is of great importance for pregnancy.


When is the Ovulation Period and How is it Calculated?

In the fallopian tubes of a woman with a healthy reproductive system, a mature egg cell undergoes a maturation phase every month.

Ovulation occurs between two menstrual bleedings. In women with regular menstrual cycles, menstruation occurs every 28 days. Generally, ovulation occurs in the middle of this 28-day cycle. In other words, when you count 14 days from the first day of your period, the next ovulation time is determined. If you menstruate every 30 days, it is assumed that ovulation will occur around the 16th day.


How is the Timing of Ovulation Determined?

One of the top questions concerning the ovulation period is how to find the timing of ovulation for couples planning pregnancy.

To increase the chances of pregnancy, it is important to monitor ovulation timing closely. A woman may estimate when she will ovulate by observing her body and correctly interpreting certain signs. If you cannot determine your ovulation date based on these signs, there are other methods you can use. Ovulation prediction tests are among the first methods to consider.

Ovulation timing can be determined by the following methods:

  • Ovulation test
  • Ovulation symptoms
  • Ultrasonography 


What are the Signs of Ovulation?

Some changes that occur in your body as ovulation approaches are signs of this period and can give you an idea of when ovulation will occur. So what are the signs of the ovulation period?


  • Changes in the Cervix

Before ovulation, the cervix is dry, firm, and low. As this period approaches, it becomes soft, slippery, and high.

  • Breast Sensitivity

An increase in progesterone hormone levels can cause swelling and tenderness in the breasts and is one of the signs.


  • Increase in Body Temperature

For 2-3 days after ovulation, there is an increase in body temperature of about 0.5-1.0 degrees.


  • Abdominal Pain and Cramps

Mild pain may occur as the egg cell matures and is expelled from the fallopian tubes. This can help you understand that ovulation is starting.


  • Vaginal Discharge

If the discharge that reappears after menstruation is clear, mucus-like, and slippery, it may indicate ovulation.


How is an Ovulation Test Done?

If you are planning pregnancy and cannot determine your ovulation time by following the signs, you can perform an ovulation test at home using special urine kits.

The rise in the LH hormone in the urine can be used to determine the time of ovulation. If you apply the test every morning at the same time and with your second urine, and if double lines appear, it indicates that the LH hormone in your urine has increased and ovulation will occur approximately 24 hours later.


How Long Does Ovulation Last?

The maturation of the female reproductive cell and its expulsion from the fallopian tubes begin between the 14th and 16th days of the average menstrual cycle. The period when ovulation occurs is about 24 hours after the follicle is expelled. However, considering the lifespan of sperm in the female body, this period is the time interval around 2-3 days before and 1-2 days after ovulation when the chances of pregnancy are high.


What is an Ovulation Calendar?

The occurrence of fertilisation is proportional to the factor of chance. Because the probability of the egg cell meeting sperm while it is alive is only 1 day. Therefore, couples who have not been able to achieve pregnancy for a certain period can use an ovulation calendar to determine the days when the chances of fertilisation are highest.

By calculating when ovulation occurs and determining the days when fertilisation is most likely, a calendar can be kept every month. The starting and ending times of this period can be determined by the previous menstrual cycle date or tests to identify the days of highest fertility.


How Often Should Sexual Intercourse Occur During this Period?

To increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and fertilisation, having sexual intercourse every other day during the ovulation period will increase the chance of pregnancy. Having intercourse once in two days during the 5-6 day period, including 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after ovulation, is considered sufficient.


Is it Necessary to Have Intercourse During the Ovulation Period to Become Pregnant?

It is possible to get pregnant without timing intercourse with ovulation. Although it is stated that the moment of ovulation is 14 days after the first day of your period, this time can vary even in women with regular menstruation. This indicates that pregnancy can occur at other times as well. Moreover, while the lifespan of a mature egg is 24 hours, a sperm cell can remain alive in the body for up to 72 hours. Having intercourse a few days before or after this period can also result in pregnancy.


Can Ovulation Tracking be Used as a Birth Control Method?

Some couples use the ovulation calendar as a method of family planning as the days when ovulation does not occur are the times when the chance of pregnancy is lowest. However, this method is not definitive and reliable and does not provide 100% protection. The timing of ovulation can vary from woman to woman, and there may be a few days of variation.

Consequently, using the ovulation period as a birth control method is not correct, as conception can still occur on days you believe are safe.

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