Optimal Sleep Position During Pregnancy

Optimal Sleep Position During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a process that brings with it some problems, even though it contains many beautiful feelings that cannot be described. Insomnia is one of the most common problems faced by expectant mothers during this period. If you can’t sleep when you go to bed to relieve the tiredness of the day and start a new day more energetic, perhaps you may feel nervous, let alone rest. 

We have good news for you! When you know what the sleeping position options are during pregnancy, your sleep quality can improve during this period. We have compiled the sleeping positions during pregnancy for you so that you can sleep comfortably both physically and mentally. 

Why Does Sleep Routine Disrupt During Pregnancy? 

In the routine of the pregnancy period, there are many factors that can make expectant mothers sleep. Although these are generally the physical problems that the process naturally brings, there are also psychological factors. The reasons that may cause uneasiness during this period may be as follows. 

  1. The baby, which grows a little more each day, begins to press on the bladder. This causes the bladder to feel full in a shorter time than normal, in other words, it causes the desire to go to the toilet frequently. When this happens during sleep at night, it can be frustrating, causing you to wake up frequently. 
  2. The growing baby and uterus put pressure on the skeletal system during sleep. This pressure can also cause back and lower back pain in the expectant mother. 
  3. The pressure of the baby on the stomach, the changing hormonal values and the changes in the diet cause heartburn and burning complaints in the stomach. These complaints can sometimes occur at night, making expectant mothers sleepless. 
  4. The pressure of the growing uterus on the lungs can cause shortness of breath, and can cause insomnia when experienced at night. 
  5. The responsibility of being a mother, giving birth to the baby in a healthy way, birth and similar concerns are psychological factors that make you sleepless.

Sleep Positions During Pregnancy 

Correct lying position is important during pregnancy in order to minimize physical problems and to have a stronger psychology with the peace of rest. Correct lying position; It means a position that supports the waist, back and spine. The most suitable position for the pregnancy period will vary according to the month you are in. 

First Trimester 

It is the period that corresponds to the first three months of pregnancy. Since your baby is still very small during this period, it will not affect your sleeping position. In other words, you can enjoy this period where you can sleep as you are used to. 

Although there is no harm in sleeping as you wish in the first trimester, some mothers-to-be hesitate from this position, thinking that it will harm their baby when they lie face down. In this case, it should not be forgotten that being psychologically comfortable is as important as being physically comfortable. For this reason, you should choose the way you will be peaceful. 

Second Trimester 

The period from the 3rd to the 6th month is called the 3rd trimester. The answer to the question of how to sleep during pregnancy varies from person to person. At the beginning of this period, you can sleep as you wish. However, the process proceeds differently for each woman, as the amount and speed of growth of the baby will be different for each mother-to-be. Prone sleeping positions are generally not recommended if your abdomen is overgrown, in case of some risky conditions such as low risk pregnancy or multiple pregnancy. 

Third Trimester 

The period from the 6th to the 9th month is called the 3rd trimester. This is the period when the baby is now big enough to limit your sleeping position. You should give up this habit immediately, as sleeping on your face will harm your baby and you. Lying on your back puts all the weight on your spine and internal organs. For this reason, the most suitable choice for you will be the side lying position where you will not have to carry the weight of the baby. 

You can sleep on both the right and left sides, but it is generally recommended to sleep on the left side during pregnancy. Because when you lie on the right side, weight builds up on the veins that go to the heart and blood flow slows down. This causes the blood pressure to drop a little in the expectant mother. 

However, lying to the right does not have serious adverse effects for the baby and the mother. So, when you wake up in the morning, finding yourself lying on your right side is not something to panic about. 

You can support side sleep in two ways for a comfortable sleep at night: 

  1. With pillows at home: You can support your body by placing pillows at home on the back, neck and waist area.
  2. With specially produced pillows in certain shapes: Instead of using pillows at home, you can use pregnancy pillows in different shapes specially produced for pregnant women. 

These pillows have neck support, abdominal support to be placed under the abdomen, back support to lean the back, grooves and protrusions to provide hip support that we can take between the legs and knees. You can spend a comfortable night by first placing the pillow on the bed and then positioning your body as you wish to fit these grooves and protrusions. 

In order to protect the skeletal system, you should move slowly, with your feet firmly and strongly on the ground while sitting and getting up from the bed. 

Optimal Sleep Position During Pregnancy

Tips for a Comfortable Sleep 

For a comfortable sleep, besides sleeping correctly, you can take small precautions and make simple preliminary preparations. It is possible to spend a quality night by using the simple tips below. 

  • You can do pregnancy exercises, swimming and walking at a low pace to cope with the pain caused by the growing baby pressing on the waist and spine. Of course, it should not be forgotten that you should consult your doctor before doing these exercises. 
  • Doing yoga and meditation during pregnancy reduces skeletal system pain and helps you feel better psychologically by providing introversion. Physical and mental calmness also directly improves your sleep quality. 
  • You can support your waist and legs by using more than one pillow, so you can find the most comfortable position for you. You can use inclined plane, U or C shaped pregnant sleep support pillow options, which are specially designed for use during pregnancy. 
  • When the pillows are not enough, you can try to sleep in a semi-sitting sofa or bed. It will be an effective method especially for digestive system problems such as reflux. 
  • If uou don’t want to wake up too often to go to the toilet, don’t drink too much water while you’re going to bed. 
  • Taking a warm shower will relax you. 
  • If there is no harm in drinking milk, drinking a glass of warm milk just before going to bed will make you sleepy. 

The first condition of a healthy pregnancy is that the expectant mother is physically and mentally healthy. In order to be physically and mentally healthy, it is important to rest well and get enough sleep as well as a balanced and adequate diet. 

For this reason, it is expected that expectant mothers should have information about sleeping position options during pregnancy in order to get sleep. If you want to make sure that what you are doing is healthy while deciding on the right position, you should not forget to ask your doctor’s opinion on this matter. 

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