Symptoms of Braxton Hicks (False Labour)

Differences Between Braxton Hicks and True Labour Contractions 

Towards the end of the pregnancy period, many changes can be observed compared to your old self. One of them is the real signs of the birth to be made.Considering these symptoms, you might think that the birth will take place in the very near future. On the other hand, there are also symptoms that make many expectant mothers doubt about this issue. In short, expectant mothers may have doubts about whether the symptoms belong to real or false labour.   

Birth symptoms when you know what’s going on, Braxton Hicks contractions can separate the real labour of the signs.  

What Are the Signs of Braxton Hicks and True Labour Contractions? 

True Labour Contractions Braxton Hicks Symptoms 
Low Back Pains Pain in the Lower Part of the Abdomen 
Continuous, Regular and Increasing Pains  Short-Term and Irregular Pains 
Continuous Fetal Movements  Passing Fetal Movements
Bloody and Red Discharge  Brown Discharge 

Symptoms of Braxton Hicks

  • In real labour, severe pains are felt in the back and lumbar region. False labour symptom is seen in the lower part of the abdomen. This pain can mislead you; you may think you are experiencing real labour contractions.
  • The contractions experienced in real labour symptoms are continuous, regular and progressive. It is not so in Braxton Hicks. The contractions here are short-lived, irregular and take place when you, for example, change your sitting position.
  • When labour signs are real, the baby’s movements are noticeably prolonged, and the baby is constantly on the move. In Braxton Hicks, your baby’s movements take place for a short time.
  • When the birth symptoms are real, the vaginal discharge is bloody and red. When you pay attention to your vaginal discharge and notice that it is a brown-like colour, you may think that it is not a real labour contraction.

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