The Importance of Hot Water in Birth

The Importance of Hot Water in Birth

Experts say that water has a relaxing effect physically and psychologically. Hot water, which relieves pain and is good for the body, is also very important for a comfortable birth. It is a natural and healthy method to cope with the pain that may occur during the birth process. 

The Importance of Hot Water in Birth 

  • The hot water experienced during the birth process helps the mother to relax both physically and mentally by providing relaxation of the muscles in the body.
  • By increasing the blood flow to the uterus, it relieves the pain that comes with the contractions in the uterus. 
  • With the increase in blood flow, the rate of oxygen going to the muscles in the uterus also increases. 
  • Hot water helps in shortening the time of delivery by providing better contraction of the uterine muscles. 

Prenatal Relaxation Techniques with Hot Water

Hot Water Bag 

These bags can be a good way to relieve the pain felt during pregnancy. If the pain you may experience during pregnancy stresses you out, this may also affect your baby. So, placing a water bag close to the uterus, and not holding it too much, can help ease your pain and relax. However, please consult your doctor before trying any method.  If your doctor recommends using a hot water bagyou can put this bag on your aching side without waiting too long

Taking a Warm Shower

During pregnancy, water has a positive effect on feeling less pain, relaxing, and easing the delivery. You can take a warm bath before delivery, either in your room at the hospital or at home before going to the hospital.

Sometimes, the birth process can be slowed down by the excitement and nervousness of being there. In such a case, artificial pain can be given to speed up labour. However, by talking to your doctor and getting their approval, you can take a warm shower. At this point, you should consider the water temperature as it should not be too hot and do not stay under the water too long. 

While taking your warm shower, using a few drops of lavender oil may help you relax more. The temperature of water should be the same as your body temperature. A shower with a temperature not exceeding 36.5-37.5 degrees on average will be good enough. 

Other Techniques

Another way to relax with water during the birth process is adding lavender to warm water for your feet. Fill a bucket with lukewarm water and drop a few drops of lavender oil into it. Then, place your feet in the bucket. This foot bath will make you relax and calm.

During the birth process, applying a hot or cold pad to your waist area and shoulders may help ease your pain. 

What is Water Birth? 

Water birth is a form of birth that occurs using a deep bath or birth pool. In addition to relaxing and soothing effects, this is a process that makes it easier for you to move in water during delivery. See some of the advantages of birth in warm water:

  • With the support provided by the water, it is easy to move freely and take positions that suit you during delivery.
  • When in an upright position in the water, gravity will lead your baby to move easily.
  • Being in the water can lower your blood pressure, suppress your feelings of anxiety and fear, and help relieve your pain.
  • It can reduce back pain by reducing the pressure in the body.
  • You can feel safer as it will relax you.
  • Since it increases the blood flow to the uterus, your contractions are regulated.
  • Since there is no general anaesthesia in this delivery method, possible side effects that may occur in the baby can be prevented.
  • The risks of postpartum bleeding, birth tears and injuries that may occur in the birth canal are reduced.
  • It is ensured that the birth process takes a shorter time.

How Should the Temperature of Water Be During Water Birth?

The temperature of the water is very important in this birth method. The water temperature in the pool should be maintained at 36 degrees. As long as it’s maintained at a sufficient temperature, giving birth in water can help to relax the person and reduce pain.

How Does Water Birth Happen?

  • In this birth method, which is done in a pool filled with water at a temperature of 35-37 degrees, the relaxing effect of hot water is utilised.
  • Artificial pain or any medicine is not given to the mother as hot water allows the natural pain to begin.
  • The mother sits in the water and begins to relax with the calming impact of the water.
  • The doctor or midwife who will give birth enters the water with their own equipment to deliver.
  • To bring the baby to the surface, their body is expected to come out completely. The navel cord is cut when they can be taken out of the water.  The baby receives oxygen from the cord till the cut. When the baby is brought to the surface, they unite with their mother.
  • After giving birth, the mother is transferred to a regular hospital room, where both the mother and the baby undergo check-ups.

When should water births not be performed?

  • If there are twin or triplet pregnancies,
  • If there was a previous caesarean section,
  • If there are cases of genital infection,
  • If the baby feels sideways or if the baby weighs more than 4 kilos,
  • If the mother has diseases such as high blood pressure, heart, diabetes or asthma,
  • If there is a risk of premature birth.

Is It Harmful to Enter Hot Water During Pregnancy?

Exercising in the water can be a good activity during pregnancy. However, swimming in extremely hot water should be avoided as it can raise your body temperature excessively. Also, be careful about spas in the winter holidays as extreme heat can increase the risk of hypothermia. Such a situation can be dangerous for both mother and baby.

Finally, we should not forget the importance of drinking enough water during pregnancy. Drinking lukewarm water is very beneficial for health. It is the most important thing that keeps you away from dehydration, fatigue and infection.  6-8 glasses of water every day will be very beneficial both for you and your little precious one on the way.


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